I am currently a Research Fellow working with Prof. Kang G. Shin in the Real-Time Computing Laboratory in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at The University of Michigan. My research is primarily at the intersection of Autonomous Driving and Computing Systems , focusing on building safe , predictable , and energy-efficient cyber-physical systems for autonomous vehicles and autonomous mobile robots .
Before that, I got my Ph.D. degree in computer science from Wayne State University in May 2023, supervised by Prof. Weisong Shi . I have collaborated with researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, IBM Research, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Inceptio, and Autoware.
UPDATE: I will be on the academic job market in the 2024-2025 cycle looking for tenure-track assistant professor positions. If your department is hiring, please feel free to reach out at liangkai@umich.edu .
Download CV (Last updated: November 2024)
Aug 09, 2024 NSF CNS has awarded our project “Predictable Multi-Tenant DNN Inference for Autonomous Driving (CNS-2343601 )”. Thanks, NSF! Jul 31, 2024 RT-BEV gets accepted by RTSS 2024! Jun 20, 2024 One co-first authored paper accepted by ICCAD 2024! Feb 20, 2024 One paper accepted by DAC 2024! Dec 15, 2023 Congratulations to Sanjith Udupa, my summer intern student, for being admitted to the class of 2028 at MIT!
(* represents co-first author)
RTSS RT-BEV: Enhancing Real-Time BEV Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
Liangkai Liu , Jinkyu Lee, and Kang G. Shin
In 45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium , 2024.
@inproceedings { liu2024bev ,
title = {RT-BEV: Enhancing Real-Time BEV Perception for Autonomous Vehicles} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Lee, Jinkyu and Shin, Kang G.} ,
booktitle = {45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium} ,
year = {2024.}
ICCAD AyE-Edge: Automated Deployment Space Search Empowering Accuracy yet Efficient Real-Time Object Detection on the Edge
Chao Wu* , Yifan Gong* , Liangkai Liu* , and 7 more authors
In International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) , 2024.
@inproceedings { wu2024aye ,
title = {AyE-Edge: Automated Deployment Space Search Empowering Accuracy yet Efficient Real-Time Object Detection on the Edge} ,
author = {Wu, Chao and Gong, Yifan and Liu, Liangkai and Li, Mengquan and Wu, Yushu and Shen, Xuan and Li, Zhimin and Yuan, Geng and Shi, Weisong and Wang, Yanzhi} ,
booktitle = {International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)} ,
year = {2024.}
ICRA An Open Approach to Energy-Efficient Autonomous Mobile Robots
Liangkai Liu , Ren Zhong, Aaron Willcock , and 2 more authors
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2023.
@inproceedings { liu2023open ,
title = {An Open Approach to Energy-Efficient Autonomous Mobile Robots} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Zhong, Ren and Willcock, Aaron and Fisher, Nathan and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)} ,
year = {2023.}
IEEE TITS Fuel Rate Prediction for Heavy-Duty Trucks
Liangkai Liu , Wei Li, Dawei Wang , and 3 more authors
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 2023.
@article { liu2023fuel ,
title = {Fuel Rate Prediction for Heavy-Duty Trucks} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Li, Wei and Wang, Dawei and Wu, Yi and Yang, Ruigang and Shi, Weisong} ,
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems} ,
volume = {24} ,
number = {8} ,
pages = {8222--8235} ,
year = {2023.} ,
publisher = {IEEE}
RTSS Prophet: Realizing a Predictable Real-Time Perception Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles
Liangkai Liu , Zheng Dong, Yanzhi Wang , and 1 more author
In IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) , 2022.
@inproceedings { liu2022prophet ,
title = {Prophet: Realizing a Predictable Real-Time Perception Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Dong, Zheng and Wang, Yanzhi and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)} ,
pages = {305--317} ,
year = {2022.} ,
organization = {IEEE}
MLBench Understanding Time Variations of DNN Inference in Autonomous Driving
Liangkai Liu , Yanzhi Wang, and Weisong Shi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.05487 , 2022.
@article { liu2022understanding ,
title = {Understanding Time Variations of DNN Inference in Autonomous Driving} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Wang, Yanzhi and Shi, Weisong} ,
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.05487} ,
year = {2022.}
Springer Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving
Weisong Shi, and Liangkai Liu
@book { shi2021computing ,
title = {Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving} ,
author = {Shi, Weisong and Liu, Liangkai} ,
year = {2021.} ,
publisher = {Springer}
IEEE WCM 4C: A Computation, Communication, and Control Co-Design Framework for CAVs
Liangkai Liu , Shaoshan Liu, and Weisong Shi
IEEE Wireless Communications , 2021.
@article { liu20214c ,
title = {4C: A Computation, Communication, and Control Co-Design Framework for CAVs} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Liu, Shaoshan and Shi, Weisong} ,
journal = {IEEE Wireless Communications} ,
volume = {28} ,
number = {4} ,
pages = {42--48} ,
year = {2021.} ,
publisher = {IEEE}
HotEdge A Comparison of Communication Mechanisms in Vehicular Edge Computing
Liangkai Liu , Baofu Wu, and Weisong Shi
In 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 20) , 2020.
@inproceedings { liu2020comparison ,
title = {A Comparison of Communication Mechanisms in Vehicular Edge Computing} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Wu, Baofu and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 20)} ,
year = {2020.}
MetroCAD Equinox: A Road-Side Edge Computing Experimental Platform for CAVs
Liangkai Liu , Yongtao Yao, Ruijun Wang , and 2 more authors
In International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD) , 2020.
@inproceedings { liu2020equinox ,
title = {Equinox: A Road-Side Edge Computing Experimental Platform for CAVs} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Yao, Yongtao and Wang, Ruijun and Wu, Baofu and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD)} ,
pages = {41--42} ,
year = {2020.} ,
organization = {IEEE}
IoTJ Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving: State of the Art and Challenges
Liangkai Liu , Sidi Lu, Ren Zhong , and 4 more authors
IEEE Internet of Things Journal , 2020.
@article { liu2020computing ,
title = {Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving: State of the Art and Challenges} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Lu, Sidi and Zhong, Ren and Wu, Baofu and Yao, Yongtao and Zhang, Qingyang and Shi, Weisong} ,
journal = {IEEE Internet of Things Journal} ,
volume = {8} ,
number = {8} ,
pages = {6469--6486} ,
year = {2020.} ,
publisher = {IEEE}
HotEdge HydraOne: An Indoor Experimental Research and Education Platform for CAVs
Yifan Wang, Liangkai Liu , Xingzhou Zhang , and 1 more author
In 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19) , 2019.
@inproceedings { wang2019hydraone ,
title = {HydraOne: An Indoor Experimental Research and Education Platform for CAVs} ,
author = {Wang, Yifan and Liu, Liangkai and Zhang, Xingzhou and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19)} ,
year = {2019.}
PIEEE Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges
Shaoshan Liu, Liangkai Liu , Jie Tang , and 3 more authors
Proceedings of the IEEE , 2019.
@article { liu2019edge ,
title = {Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges} ,
author = {Liu, Shaoshan and Liu, Liangkai and Tang, Jie and Yu, Bo and Wang, Yifan and Shi, Weisong} ,
journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE} ,
volume = {107} ,
number = {8} ,
pages = {1697--1716} ,
year = {2019.} ,
publisher = {IEEE}
SEC E2M: An Energy-Efficient Middleware for Computer Vision Applications on Autonomous Mobile Robots
Liangkai Liu , Jiamin Chen, Marco Brocanelli , and 1 more author
In Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing , 2019.
@inproceedings { liu2019e2m ,
title = {E2M: An Energy-Efficient Middleware for Computer Vision Applications on Autonomous Mobile Robots} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Chen, Jiamin and Brocanelli, Marco and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing} ,
pages = {59--73} ,
year = {2019.}
SEC SafeShareRide: Edge-based Attack Detection in Ridesharing Services
Liangkai Liu , Xingzhou Zhang, Mu Qiao , and 1 more author
In IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) , 2018.
@inproceedings { liu2018safeshareride ,
title = {SafeShareRide: Edge-based Attack Detection in Ridesharing Services} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Zhang, Xingzhou and Qiao, Mu and Shi, Weisong} ,
booktitle = {IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC)} ,
pages = {17--29} ,
year = {2018.} ,
organization = {IEEE}
HotEdge SafeShareRide: Edge-based Attack Detection in Ridesharing Services
Liangkai Liu , Xingzhou Zhang, Mu Qiao , and 1 more author
In USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 18) , 2018.
@inproceedings { liu2018hotedge ,
title = {{SafeShareRide}: Edge-based Attack Detection in Ridesharing Services} ,
booktitle = {USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 18)} ,
author = {Liu, Liangkai and Zhang, Xingzhou and Qiao, Mu and Shi, Weisong} ,
year = {2018.} ,
address = {Boston, MA} ,
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/hotedge18/presentation/liu} ,
publisher = {USENIX Association}